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Can Black Poop Mean Worms in Cats?

If you’ve ever seen black poop in your cat’s litter box, you may be wondering if it means they have worms. While black stool can sometimes be a sign of parasites, there are other potential causes as well. In this article, we’ll discuss what could be causing your cat’s black poop and how to determine if they have worms.

What Can Black Poop Cause?

There are a variety of potential causes for black poop in cats, including parasites, intestinal blockages, and liver disease. If you notice your cat’s stool has changed color, it’s important to take them to the veterinarian for a diagnosis. Dark brown poop can also be a sign of internal bleeding, which is why it’s always best to get checked out by your trusted vet.

Parasites in Cats: There are many different types of parasites that cats can have if they’ve been infected with worms or other pests from their environment. The most common type of worm that affects cats is the roundworm, which can cause your cat to have black, tarry stools. Other parasites that can cause black stool in cats include whipworms, hookworms, and tapeworms.

Intestinal Blockages: Another potential cause for black poop in cats is an intestinal blockage. This occurs when there’s a build-up of something (usually stool) that blocks the intestines from passing material through properly. If this happens, your cat will likely be constipated and their poop will be very hard and dry.

Liver Disease: One of the most serious causes of black stool in cats is liver disease. When the liver becomes damaged or fails completely, it can’t properly filter toxins from the blood. This can cause the stool to become very dark and tarry in appearance.

How Can I Tell If My Cat Has Worms?

If you’re concerned that your cat may have worms, there are a few ways to tell. The easiest way is to take a look at their poop for any signs of parasites. Another common sign of worms is weight loss, as the parasites can steal vital nutrients from their host’s body. Lethargy and poor appetite are also common indicators of a worm infestation.

If you’re still unsure whether or not your cat has worms, it’s best to take them in for a checkup with your veterinarian. They will be able to perform tests to determine if your cat has an infestation and, if so, what type of worms they are infected with.