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15 Foods That Can Kill Cats: What to Avoid Feeding Your Feline

Just like humans, cats have a list of foods that they should avoid. Some of these foods are downright deadly for felines, while others can cause them to become very ill. In this blog post, we will discuss 15 foods that can kill cats. If you are a cat owner, it is important to be aware of these foods and keep them out of your pet’s reach!

Should You Feed a Cat Human Food?

The short answer is no. Cats should not be fed human food, as it can make them very ill. The only exception to this rule is if your cat has been prescribed a specific diet by their veterinarian. Some of the most dangerous foods for cats include: chocolate, onions, garlic, grapes and raisins, raw meat and fish, caffeine, and alcohol. If your cat consumes any of these items, they could suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, seizures, or even death.

It’s important to keep in mind that many other foods can also harm cats – so always consult with your veterinarian before giving your pet any type of food. For example, some common fruits and vegetables like tomatoes and potatoes.

What Kinds of Human Foods are Safe for Cats to Eat?

Cats should not be fed human food, as it can make them very ill. The only exception to this rule is if your cat has been prescribed a specific diet by their veterinarian. Some of the most dangerous foods for cats include: chocolate, onions, garlic, grapes and raisins, raw meat and fish – these items could cause vomiting diarrhea or even death! Cats should avoid eating any type of animal fat because many kinds contain high levels of saturated fats which may lead to obesity in pets over time. Cats also shouldn’t eat too much dairy products like cheese because lactose intolerant felines will experience digestive issues when they consume them regularly (this doesn’t happen with all breeds!).

Which 15 Foods are Toxic to Cats?

The following is a list of foods that are toxic to cats. If your cat consumes any of these items, they could suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, seizures, or even death:

  • Raw Egg
  • Salt
  • Xylitol
  • Dairy
  • Coconut Water
  • Bread Dough
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Raw Meat
  • Raw Fish
  • Grapes and Raisins
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Chocolate

Always consult with your veterinarian before giving your pet any type of food. There are many other foods that can also harm cats. For example, some common fruits and vegetables like apples and broccoli. It’s important to be aware of what your pet should and shouldn’t eat! You don’t want them getting sick from something

What Should You Do if Your Cat Eats Something Toxic?

If your cat has eaten something toxic, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. You may also want to consider calling the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435 or Pet Poison Helpline at (855) 289-0358 for help with this situation and any other questions that arise while caring for your pet!